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fred rongo turns 3! (CLOSED)

May 16, 2015

Shirt: Forever 21 // Skirt: Forever 21 // Shoes: Forever 21

Photography: Brianna

I can't believe it's been 3 years since Fred Rongo started! It's been such an awesome journey! I love seeing how the blog has progressed over the years. (You can see my very first post here, it started out as Imprimé Léopard.) I'm so happy with where it is, and where it's going. Most of all, I'm thankful for all of YOU! Seriously. I could not have done it without all of my wonderful followers. I've made such great friends because of this! It's such a fun hobby and I'm so glad to keep it going.

As celebration, I'm going to have a giveaway! I'm going to give two of my followers a pair of earrings from my favorite shop, Darly Bird! Enter after the break, and good luck!

ALSO, here's a slow-mo video my coworker got of me dancing at our work convention. Purely for celebration purposes.. 

 I love you all!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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  1. Umm hi. You're the cutest. So glad you started blogging so we could meet!! ;) Love, love you!!

  2. yay! text me back and let's shoot :) i'm thinking tulie bakery?

  3. wow congrats <33
    i absolutely love these photos, the sequin skirt is super adorable:)

    lots of love xx
    Nee from ROSECANDLE11

  4. Lookin good girl! And as usual, I want your shoes. ;)


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