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diy - bird mobile.

August 15, 2013

Hey guys! I've been trying to craft a lot lately for the nursery, and I decided to try and make my own mobile! It's not perfect, but I love how it ended up turning out. Check out the tutorial after the break!

Supplies Needed:
• 4 Squares of Fabric (Fabric Quarters work perfectly!)
• 4 Strips of Ribbon (4 Different Lengths)
• Square of Cardboard
• Stuffing
• Fabric Scissors
• Pen

Take your piece of cardboard and draw your bird. Draw the bird whatever size you would like, in whatever shape. I drew mine freehand. Then cut your bird shape out.

Take one piece of fabric and trace your bird on the back of the fabric. Cut out.

Now flip your cardboard and repeat, so you now have both sides of your bird.

Take both cutouts of the bird, inside out, and pin the edges.

Begin sewing.

Make sure to leave a one inch opening.

Flip bird right side out and fill with stuffing.

Take one strip of ribbon and put about one inch deep into the opening.

While holding the ribbon in place, drop your presser foot and sew the opening closed as close to the edge as possible.

Now you have your first bird! Just repeat all the steps, and make as many birds as you want. I took a metal hanger apart and made it into a circle. Then I just hot-glued each bird onto it. If I could do it again, I would probably get an embroidery hoop, I think it'd look much cuter!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'm not the best at sewing, or doing tutorials. So I apologize if this is sloppy! Thanks guys!

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  1. That is so cute! Can't wait to see the finished nursery! :)

  2. This makes me want our next to be a girl SO badly. It turned out so cute! Your nursery will be perfect!

  3. this is adorable! I want to make one and don't even have a baby. Is that odd? haha you did a great job :)


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