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oh, the joys.

January 13, 2013



photo(6)Shirt: Thrifted // Skirt: Forever 21 // Boots: Forever Young // Purse: Target

I just got my wisdom teeth out on Tuesday and have been recovering! My cheeks are still a little puffy. I think it looks like I have food stuffed in my cheeks, like a chipmunk! So don't judge too much.. Haha. The worst thing about getting my wisdom teeth extracted is the fact I can't eat solid food! I have been craving Panda Express and Pizza Hut so bad. I can't wait until it's all healed up! Then I'll go on an eating binge..

I'll be announcing the winner of the It Bag tomorrow..

P.S. If any of you shop at Kohl's as often as I do, here's a code for 10% off! (TENFORBLOG) Shop here.


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