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finally the weekend.

August 17, 2013

Dress: Target // Leggings: Wholesale7.net // Shoes: Forever Young (sold here)

This is something I'd prefer wearing in the Fall, with boots. And I've been way past ready for Fall and colder weather! I'm done with the heat.

Yay! It's finally the weekend! The husband and I are just staying home, I have a list of things I need to get done, and I'm pretty excited. It might not sound like an eventful weekend, but I've been wanting to get productive. Maybe it's my nesting phase kicking in? Haha.

Do you guys have any fun plans?

Don't forget to enter in my giveaway! And remember to link-up here!
Linked up with Plane Pretty, The Mrs. & The Momma, and Her & Nicole

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  1. Hi, I'm new to your blog from the blog hop/link up this week. I love your outfit, very pretty and those shoes are really nice.

    Louisa @ My Family & Abruzzo

  2. I FINALLY got around to accepting/posting the Liebster Award you nominated me for! Check it out here! Thanks again! I had a ton of fun participating. (:

    Ariel @ Auteur Ariel

  3. Oh, & I hope you don't mind--I stole the way you explained/formatted the award because you did it so well!! (:

  4. Love the big straps around your ankle, they flatter you so well. And the little space between them and the leggings looks awesome!

  5. Cute dress/long top! Perfect and chic choice for maternity wear :)

    If you have a sec, hope you can drop by my blog too and read my latest: www.fashchronicles.blogspot.com

  6. Seriously, you're so cute. & I would almost die for those shoes. You are so beautiful & have such great taste. Love your little corner on the internet!


  7. You are glowing, and I love that outfit! -Jessica L

  8. Those sandals!! Love them. This dress is super cute too. We didn't do much this weekend either. Just stayed home and relaxed. At least you were productive! Haha


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