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34 weeks.

September 15, 2013

Shirt: Forever 21 // Skirt: Forever 21 // Belt: Forever 21

Today's the first time we used the DSLR for an outfit post! Man, it's so much better than using my phone. My husband is also quite the photographer. 

Last night we had a false alarm! I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes, so I went to the hospital. They monitored the baby for about an hour, then they checked my cervix. It was completely closed so they sent me home! My husband and I were pretty nervous, we thought the baby was coming. Thankfully she decided to stay! She still has 6 weeks!

P.S. I'm pretty behind on my e-mails at the moment. I'll be checking them soon! Sorry guys.

Linked up with Style Elixir, Plane Pretty & Simply Just Lovely.

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  1. STOP IT. You are SO cute!! Glad to hear baby girl is ok.

  2. Your belly is looking so round, in a good way! You still look super skinny regardless. I'm so excited for you to have your little girl!!

  3. The stripes and polka dot combo is so cute. And you look gorgeous! Goodluck for the next couple of weeks.
    Ms Dee Kay

  4. You look great! Glad baby girl is ok.

  5. D'awww those polkadots pull attention to your belly in the most positive way.

  6. are these maternity clothes or just regular f21? you look so adorable!

  7. Gosh! What a baby ball you have there. It is so cute. Fabulous photos.

  8. Wow! Well I'm glad things turned out alright after the false alarm. :)

    P.S. What an adorable outfit.

    Oh, Ivory Blog

  9. OMG! What a cute outfit! Your bump is so perfect! If you get a chance, please link up to my linky party: http://suburbsmama.blogspot.com/2013/09/what-we-wore-10.html


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