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37 weeks.

October 5, 2013

Shirt: New York & Company // Jeggings: New York & Company // Boots: Forever Young

I am now officially considered full term! So crazy! The baby will be here in just 3 short weeks. I've been trying to mentally prepare (if that's even possible) for birth. I'm scared I'm just going to psych myself out and have a terrible experience. I just have to keep telling myself "I can do this!".

Oh, and if you can't tell, I decided to dye my hair! I'm now all one color. And I love it! I'm really happy I did it.

Linked up with My Greatest Hits.

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  1. Okay just found your blog and I LOVE IT! Seriously this is so cute and you are the cutest pregnant lady! Ahh love this.


  2. Look at you! Just the cutest lil pregnant belly! <3

    Kallie @ But First, Coffee

  3. So soon! So crazy!! You seriously make pregnant look oh so good. Love the floral and stripes together, so cute!!


  4. Girl! I've been out of the blogging seen for forever and I just saw your blog for the first time in a long time. You look soo good! Missed ya!

    xo sherri


    ps. i'll be back in blogging binuss soon :)


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