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38 weeks.

October 14, 2013

Shirt: Forever 21 // Tank: Old Navy // Shoes: Forever Young 

My husband and I have been trying to get everything as ready as possible for when the baby comes (expecting the 21st). Cleaning, organizing, planning, etc.. The nursery is almost done! I just have a few more empty wall spaces to fill, and we're also waiting for the crib. I'm going out with my mom to buy a few more things this week. I'm excited for how it's turning out! It's looking really cute.

After posting about the baby being breech, I received a lot of advice and such sweet comments. Thank you all so much. I've been trying a few things and hoping they work, but I now have an overall feeling of positivity. No matter what happens, everything will be okay. The end result will be us getting to meet our baby girl, and I can't think of anything better.

P.S. The winners of the Fall giveaway were picked! Check if you're a winner here.

Linked up with Simply Just Lovely & Style Elixir.

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  1. You are seriously the cutest!! 4 more days?! AHHH!! I'm SO excited for you!!

  2. You are so so beautiful! I love your lace top!

    Xo, Hannah


  3. Girl, you look beautiful! Love your maternity photos! :)


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