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oh, christmas tree.

December 22, 2013

Dress: Romwe // Flower brooches: ban.do (Red & Gold) // Shoes: wholesale7.net

I ordered this dress so I could wear it to my company Christmas party, and it came in the mail the morning after. I was pretty bummed! I was still really excited to get it though. It's amazing! I'm going to wear it to my next Christmas party. And probably New Years.. And my birthday.. It's just too perfect for every celebration!

Can you guys believe Christmas is this week?! Man, this year has gone by so fast. I can't even begin to think it's already almost over!

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  1. It's too bad it didn't come in time for your party, but I'm sure you'll get lots of use out of it!! It's really pretty.

  2. Love that dress! Especially with the red tights, super Christmassy :)

  3. Hi Kalee,
    I thought I would try you here because I sent you an email a few days ago and thought you may have not got it? I just wanted to let you know again that you were the winner of The Braided Bandit Vintage giveaway over on Selective Potential! I thought maybe my original email went to your spam folder or something! Anyway, just send me an email if you read this so you can collect your prize :)
    xo Hannah

    email: hannahmeyer17(at)gmai(dot)com

  4. That dress is beautiful! You're entire outfit goes together very well!

  5. Ah! this is the dress I put on my style guide as the perfect NYE dress! I love it on you!!!

    xx, Ariel

  6. Kalee, you look so dang gorgeous in this dress!!! And I agree, it's perfect for every occasion ;)

  7. this is absolutely gorgeous! love how you paired the gold with red tights. definitely a beautiful look for christmas & new years.


  8. Beautiful! :) This dress is adorable and the ban.do flowers look perfect! Merry Christmas, girl! :)

  9. Eep - your outfit is beautiful! Seriously, so perfect for Christmas!

    Miche from Buttons and Birdcages

  10. You look absolutely radiant!! That dress is perfection.

  11. You look so darned adorable! Love that dress!

    Tiffany Ima
    Style Honestly


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