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February 5, 2014

Shirt: Old Navy // Coat: Old Navy // Jeans: New York & Company // Hat: eBay

My husband leaves for Russia tomorrow morning. (WHAT) I never thought this day would come! Well, I knew it would, it just didn't feel real until now. Tears will be shed tomorrow, that's for sure. I'm really excited for him, I know he's going to be a great teacher. I just wish I was going with him!

If any of you are in Utah or Salt Lake county, let's hang out. Seriously. I'm going to be so bored and lonely! I need to keep myself as busy as possible to make these months go by faster.

Linked up with Simply Just Lovely.

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  1. i wish i lived in utah, because my husband is gone as well and we could just have ladies nights all the time.

  2. Kalee!! I was going to text you because I was thinking about you all day. Let's play again soon! Let me know if you ever need anything. Your husband is doing such an awesome thing!

  3. Love the jacket <3 Such a nice outfit :)

  4. I am so sorry your husband will be away from you! That would be so hard for me! Love those shoes :) Consider me your newest follower on BL :)

    -Stef itsstefwithanf.blogspot.com


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