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it's official.

February 8, 2014

Dress: Gap // Shoes: Old Navy // Brooch: ban.do

My husband is now in Russia. He's all settled in and I'm missing him madly. He just got an iPhone today, so thank everything for iMessage! Seriously, it makes a world of a difference.. I've been so busy these past few days, I haven't really had a moment to myself. Tonight is my first night not being with family, and the husband being thousands of miles away is really starting to hit me. I hope these months go by fast!

Okay, I know, I know. "NO BARE LEGS IN THE WINTER". This is definitely more of a Summer outfit. But the day I wore this it wasn't as cold as it normally has been, and I took it as a sign to wear my new dress. I'll be wearing this a ton in warmer weather, that's for sure. So please, don't judge too harshly for my non-practicality. We're getting ready for Spring, right?

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

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  1. You look gorgeous! I love that dress.

  2. You are so cute! Good luck with the whole hubby being gone- that would be rough :/

  3. Dang girl, I've never been that far away from my hubby ever, so I can only imagine how hard that is for you! You can do it! Love this and your cute self!


  4. Good luck! Time will go by faster than you think...saw your Instagram post and at least there is an H&M!

    Tiffany Ima
    Style Honestly


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