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i got big buns.

August 31, 2016

Shirt: H&M // Skirt: c/o Boohoo // Shoes: H&M // Purse & Keychain: H&M

And the reason for that (you already know if you follow me on Instagram) is extensions! I'm going to do a post soon on my transformation from a pixie cut to long hair because I've received a lot of questions! It's seriously so fun having hair again you guys.

Sorry for the long break from my last post. I had bronchitis for two weeks and lacked motivation for almost everything. But yay for being better now! You guys can count on more posts happening.

As always, thanks for all of your support.

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  1. I can't get over your extensions! They look so incredible girl!! This outfit is super dang cute!! love the silhouette of the skirt!!

  2. You look so pretty! Love your hair <3

    Edye | Http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com


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