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this patch is bananas.

December 8, 2016

Shirt: Forever 21 // Patch: ban.do // Jeans: Forever 21 // Shoes: Forever Young Shoes

B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Literally a banana.

I've been wanting this patch for quite a while and finally got it. I was expecting it (for some reason) to be much bigger. Like, double in size. Because I didn't take the time to read the description. Haha. I was originally planning on putting it on my denim jacket, but decided it'd look better on my favorite striped tee.

If you want your own patch, check out Ban.do's pins & patches. They have a ton of good patches right now! Gotta love some good flair.

My work holiday party is tonight and I'm freaking stoked. I don't know why, but holiday parties are probably my favorite thing. I love getting dressed up and getting ready to celebrate the holidays. It's the best.

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