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33 weeks.

September 8, 2013

Shirt: Forever 21 // Shoes: c/o Chicnova // Sunglasses: eBay

I basically never want to take off this shirt. It's so comfortable, and I love stripes! My husband told me I'm not allowed to buy another black and white striped piece of clothing. He's probably right, but I just can't seem to stop! Stripes are such a staple, especially black and white.

Sorry I've been MIA for the past few days, pregnancy has definitely been taking a toll on me. I still have 7 weeks left hopefully less, and I'm just feeling so exhausted these days. I have no energy! And I hear it just gets worse, yay.. But I know in the end it'll all be worth it. I'm so excited to meet our baby girl.

Linked up with Style Elixir, Plane Pretty, & My Greatest Hits.

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  1. You look adorable!!! I love your shoes :) and I'm the same way with stripes! I own to many stripes shirts haha

    Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! You look fantastic!


  2. You look great, love your maternity style. Stripes is one basic I actually dont own! Im getting so tempted though so I think I will jump on this soon. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, it does get harder towards the end, it feels like your waiting forever but it is all worth it!
    Dee of Ms Dee Kay

  3. Most darling little basketball baby bump! Found you on sunday style. You pull off pregnancy so well!!


  4. I think you are the cutest pregnant girl ever. oh my! btw I love love your header!

  5. I'm loving your blog and pics!! You are gorgeous :-)


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