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belly button.

September 4, 2013

Shirt: ASOS Maternity // Leggings: Forever 21 // Shoes: eBay

You guys! My belly button popped! It's kind of hard to tell, but I'm pretty excited about it. Haha. Also, I just bought these leggings and I'm in love with them! $10 at Forever 21, such a steal.

Today I had my 32 week appointment, and from now on I go in every 2 weeks. That's when you know it's getting close! I'm just getting more and more excited.. And way past done being pregnant. #ineedsleep

Linked up with Style Elixir & Simply Just Lovely.

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  1. Wow, you look great! Love the shoes... and the leggings!

  2. Aweee cute belly! I hope you get some good sleep before the babe comes!

  3. Oh my heeeeeeck! Cutest belly button, and cutest leggings! You're so dang cute!!


  4. What a cute basketball you have there :) Love those leggings, and trust me they will be AWESOME for postpartum. Also, I really found that the lack of sleep in the final stretch of pregnancy was awesome preparation for those nighttime feeds. You just get used to slowing your life down. So in that sense it can be a positive thing :) Hope everything continues to go really well! x


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