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on my way out.

January 9, 2014

Shirt: Old Navy // Pants: Old Navy // Boots: Famous Footwear (sold here) // Purse: Old Navy // Coat: Old Navy

Well, it's official. I'm a full-time worker again! It's a bittersweet feeling. I'm happy to be working again, but sad to be leaving my baby at home with daddy. And now I'm pumping, which is harder than I expected really. There's just nothing better than feeding the baby. When I pump, I don't feel completely emptied, and it's more painful! But I know it's better in the long run.

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! I was convinced today was Friday. I had my "Friday outfit" picked out for me and one for Abigail and I was so excited. Then I realized it was only Thursday. Poo.

*Also, a side note. This shirt is my favorite shirt of all shirts. I bought this same shirt over a year ago and wore it all the time. Then one day I decided to stupidly wear it to the salon when I got my hair dyed red. Of course, it got dye all over the collar and got ruined. I was pretty dang sad. Then just a few weeks ago I saw it for sale again on the Old Navy website and I bought it seconds after. I was one happy gal.

Linked up with Style Elixir, Simply Just Lovely, My Mommy Style. 

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  1. This outfit is darling and your glasses are amazing! Thanks for sharing this on our Be. You. Tiful link party!

  2. I have those same boots and LOVE them!
    I had to do a lot of pumping when my little guy was younger... and it gets easier! Your body adjusts to the pumping action and starts to empty a little easier (and becomes less painful!). Breastfeeding/Pumping is hard stuff though!

  3. this jacket is SO cute. good luck going back to work full-time!!


  4. So cute! I know what it’s like to balance work and baby - never easy, but a supportive husband makes all the difference! x

  5. I like your style! And your shoes too! <3

  6. I love your outfit. And I really want that shirt. Good luck at work. I'm sure baby and daddy will be fine. I know that doesn't help, but I hope it gets easier.

  7. A good light denim shirt is hard to find. I never thought to check out Old Navy! Thanks for that little nugget of info.

    Also, your outfit looks superb! That toggle button jacket is amazing.

  8. Visiting from Style Elixir! Love your glasses, the color is great! And I'm with you about work, don't we think the work week should be four days long?

    Be sure to stop by my blog today and enter to win a big Stitch Fix giveaway!
    <3 Vicki


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