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adventures as of late.

August 18, 2015

I've been doing a lot of hiking lately and I've grown a great love for Utah's mountains. I can't believe I haven't taken advantage of this beauty until now. If you're ever bored, wanting a new hobby, etc.. Come hiking with me! I'm no expert yet though. Haha. I'm going to Zion National Park with my friends this weekend to hike The Narrows and Angel's Landing. I'm stoked!

Do any of you Utahns have a favorite trail? Or two?

Side note, my camera is getting delivered this FRIDAY. I'm so excited to be taking pictures again!

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  1. Adorable and what beautiful scenery...I don't blame you for hiking when you get the chance!


  2. I wish I could go camping with you!! Looks so beautiful and like so much fun :)

  3. ^^^ oops. I meant HIKING not camping.

  4. Awe I wish I was athletic and could hike. I'm such a baby. We hiked Cecret Lake and it was good, but also really steep toward the end! You should give us babies a list of your favorite easy hikes haha


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